United Studios, United States


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The Universal STEAM Program gives arts students a bevy of opportunities to perform, learn, and grow as musicians, dancers, and artists. STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics, and each receives equal emphasis. When it comes to an arts experience, Universal Youth Programs are a select choice for school musicians.

Instrumentalists can perform on stage or while marching. There are dozens of performance opportunities for them in the Universal Stars Performance Program. When they’re not performing, they can attend master classes, workshops, and individual lessons. Just as the Universal STEAM Program is interested in the whole student, the Universal Stars Program is interested in the whole musician.

Singers have the same opportunities. Choirs can meet with and learn from industry insiders and experts. They can hone their craft while having the time of their lives. Put the dance teams alongside the choirs and bands, and you can provide your students with a combined performance opportunity of a lifetime! The in-depth training and master class environment is designed to work your students hard, and the performance venues throughout Universal’s facilities are there to let them show off the fruits of their

All work and no play is dull, however, so Universal Youth Programs also offer exciting amusement activities, including rides, walking tours, and annual festivals and events. Students with other interests can also explore foliage and fossils from the age of the dinosaurs, the mysteries of ancient Egypt, and the futuristic world of robotics. They can expand their minds beyond the scope of music on their way to becoming well-rounded, curious, and critically thinking lifelong learners.labors.

The Universal Stars Performance Program is also for students and their teachers who wish to travel the world. Moscow, Beijing, and Hwaseong are all either available for visit currently or will be soon. These give you the opportunity to learn about current cultures while honing your musical craft.